Outreach volunteer Cody week 1
My first week as a volunteer outreach intern started out with all the boring stuff. On the first couple of days I had to help label...

PBWC Welcomes Volunteer Outreach Interns!
The Powder Basin Watershed Council is pleased to welcome Madison Hatfield and Cody Bingham of Baker Technical Institute! Madee and Cody...

Hells Canyon Journal features PBWC
Watershed Council Plans Projects for Clear Creek and Pine Creek by Hayley Sanders of the Hells Canyon Journal Volume 33, Number 45 After...

Fire Rehabilitation with Baker High School and Baker Intermediate
PBWC partnerd with Oregon Department of Forest and Baker Schools' Science Departments on a local fire rehabilitation project On Monday,...

2015 Fall Tour in Keating
What a wonderful day PBWC had touring the beautiful Keating Valley in Eastern Oregon! First stop was BLM's Balm Creek Mine Restoration...

PBWC at Outdoor School
The Powder Basin Watershed Council participated in this year's Haine's Elementary and Baker Elementary Outdoor School! Student's spend a...

Fall Cleanup!
The Powder Basin Watershed Council had an amazing turnout for this year's fall cleanup event! Baker Technical High School students from...

Baker City Farmer's Market with Tri-County Cooperative Weed Management
The Powder Basin Watershed Council partnered with Tri-County Weed Cooperative Management in providing education and outreach to Farmer's...

Anthony Lakes Mountain Bike Festival
​​ As a celebration of summer in beautiful Anthony Lakes, Powder Basin Watershed Council met up with local bike enthusiasts for a...

Welcoming Our New Water Quality Interns
​ The three Idaho Power Company sponsored interns have been hard at work this summer collecting water quality and flow data across the...