The Council's mission is "to facilitate community-supported maintenance and restoration of the streams, rivers, and lakes within our watersheds".

The Powder Basin Water Quality Monitoring Program prioritizes the collection of high quality data while giving community members and students real-world, hands-on experience with water quality monitoring in their basin.
The Powder Basin covers 3,368 square miles and includes 4,833 miles of perennial and intermittent streams. The volunteer water quality monitoring program collects samples at 78 established sites across the basin. Community members and agency partners selected the sites. The data collection includes physical parameters to determine current water quality conditions and to help land managers make decisions about water quality. At each site, volunteers measure dissolved oxygen, pH, conductivity, and turbidity. Data loggers provide continuous stream temperature monitoring. If a stream you care about is not currently included in the program, contact the Council’s Monitoring Coordinator to suggest an additional site.
We sample once a month, and sampling one site takes about an hour to complete. Some of our volunteers may spend up to 10 hours in a stream monitoring multiple sites, from the valley floor up to the headwaters. We also have volunteers who do not have the time to commit to a full day of sampling, but want to be involved. These volunteers choose to sample one site close to their homes.
The program depends on volunteers dedicated to making a difference in their watershed. The Council offers a day-long training event each spring. The Monitoring Coordinator stays with the volunteers until they feel comfortable with the equipment and procedures.
For more information on Water Quality Monitoring please contact the Monitoring Coordinator at pbwcmc@qwestoffice.net